Sunday, March 18, 2012

Event cross O.M.K

In welcoming the Easter holiday in April mendatang.Forum FKSAG Metro intends organizing a meeting of youth - young Christian and Catholic Youth Metro (OMK). Purpose of the event is held to promote brotherhood among Christian young people, as long as it may rarely be-such events are rarely held In a conversation with Sebastian Catholic Youth Moko from Metro says, that these are very positive as well as strengthen the ties of brotherhood, but also know each other personally each individual figure, he said He said the event is expected to be held every year, because if occasionally it will cause a sense of longing to get together. However, according to members FKSAG if the show creates a feeling of longing for the show works because it means one of the expected The event will be held on the plan began on March 29, 2012 and will be held every week Hopefully this event can be held every year, he believes In the event there will be a race - a race among other things the Bible quiz competitions, choir competitions, etc. footsal If a fellow colleague from outside the parish metro please send an email with the contents of the application's participation in the event. www.taurus85_nol @
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Beautiful I Call Your Name

Black felt tense
Restless and tempestuous raging
My mood began to tense
Who is in his heart

I spent grains by grain
I ring a verse by verse
Started to feel good hearts
Although a bit inconsolable

Along with prayer
I call your name Lord
Because only a name
My heart felt inconsolable

Lord show me your way
The path to beauty
Only with your name
Heart felt comfortable and at ease

Indonesian language

Indah Kusebut NamaMu

Hitam terasa mencekam
Resah berkecamuk dan menggelora
Suasana hatiku mulai mencekam
Siapakah yang ada di hatinya

Butiran demi butiran kulalui
Ayat demi ayat ku bunyikan
Mulai terasa nikmat dihati
Walau sedikit terhiburkan

Seiring dengan doaku
Kusebut namamu Tuhan
Karena hanya dengan namamu
Hatiku merasa terhiburkan

Tuhan tunjukkan jalanmu
Jalan menuju keindahan
Hanya dengan namamu
Hati terasa nyaman dan tentram
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Gambar YESUS

Selamat datang diblog Lilin Gereja Metro Berikut gambar Yesus berhias Doa bapa kami,jika sobat ingin gambar dengan format corel draw silah klik Disini
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Saturday, March 17, 2012
Rich And The Poor

The parable is addressed to the Pharisees who Jesus called "the servant - servant of the money"
They have to justify themselves in public, namely by stating that the property they have is evidence of the truth, because God gave them wealth to the righteous course, businesses are being attacked by Jesus. As with the laxarus, he was a professional beggar, Laxarus means "God helps" as its flagship, the smell of his body full of ulcers, he lay at the door of the rich, because of the inability borokny willingly by the dogs lick their rich masters. As the their rich meal with quiet and clean.
Laxarus fight with hunger and thirst, and if you get the food the food is not clean anymore, and many bacteria. Eventually, both dead

"You can not serve God Mammon at the same time" (Luke 16:13)
"Blessed are ye that hunger now, for you will be healed" (Luke 6:21)

natural Death

Rich And Poor

In this parable tells the story between poor and rich Si with a title that I post reflection. Most important in this is not the difference between the rich and the poor, but the outer circumstances experienced in this world, wealth, position, popularity, because they both have had their wealth in the world, the rich have wealth it creates a pseudo-gap that is not passed both..
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Woe to those who serve Mammon

Rich And The Poor

The parable is addressed to the Pharisees who Jesus called "the servant - servant of the money"
They have to justify themselves in public, namely by stating that the property they have is evidence of the truth, because God gave them wealth to the righteous course, businesses are being attacked by Jesus. As with the laxarus, he was a professional beggar, Laxarus means "God helps" as its flagship, the smell of his body full of ulcers, he lay at the door of the rich, because of the inability borokny willingly by the dogs lick their rich masters. As the their rich meal with quiet and clean.
Laxarus fight with hunger and thirst, and if you get the food the food is not clean anymore, and many bacteria. Eventually, both dead.........

Sources: Metro Church News
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Thursday, March 15, 2012

sign of the cross

Is it really a sign of the cross and why we do it?

How and when we do it?

Sign of the Cross is a beautiful movement by kita.tanda cross reminds us of the faithful sign of the cross gives salvation to us all-the invocation of the Trinity is a sign of the cross technical kudus.secara sakramentil, a symbol, sacred established church, which prepares a person to receive grace, and the sanctified one time or event. movement of the sign of the cross has been done since the early church, starting and ending point for prayer ..

Sign of the Cross describes the habit for us.

According St.Sirilius of Jerusalem in the teaching katakesenya stated "So, let's shamelessly admit the Crucified, make the cross as our seal.

The earliest formalized way of making the sign of the cross appeared about 400 s., During the monophyysite heresy which denied the two natures in Christ's divine personality, and thereby the unity of the Holy Trinity, the sign of the cross is made from the forehead to the chest, and then from the shoulder right to left shoulder, thumb index finger and middle finger in the cups as a symbol of the most holy trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit
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Teras O.M.K

This In Church
Did you like this attitude if followed in the church during the celebration of Mass? in every celebration ekaresti / Mass, often times we look and find a variety of characters who behave less omk pretty sight, for example. bed, a toy phone, etc.. Maybe we've done like that. Actually, in celebration whenever ekaresti often be announced "to keep the masses quiet please phone or device that can make a sound loud please be turned off. But in fact many are still ignoring it. May be in foreclosure he,, he,, , because they all are our own consciousness, depending on our intention to church, we usually Personality reflects our attitude in the church, because we find so many different characters of each individual differently, whether we can get rid of our bad habits in every celebration ekaresti / mass. if our intention of leaving until the church has not changed, eg "yes god today I had a lot of demand / request" from the above said we would be able to keep your attitude in participating in any activities of the Mass
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Monday, March 12, 2012

Our fathers spanish

Our fathers spanish

Padre nuestro, que estás en el cielo
Santificado sea tu nombre;
Venga a nosotros tu reino.
Hágase tu voluntad
En la tierra como en el cielo
Danos hoy nuestro pan de cada día.
Perdona nuestras ofensas,
Así como nosotros perdonamos a los que nos ofenden.
Y no nos dejes caer en la tentación;
Y líbranos del mal.
Tuyo es el Reino el Poder y la Gloria por siempre Señor,
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Our fathers of German

Our fathers of German

Unser Vater im Himmel,
Dein Name werde geheiliget.
Dein Reich komme.
Dein Wille geschehe auf Erden wie im Himmel.
Unser tägliches Brot gib uns heute.
Und vergib uns unsere Schulden, wie wir unsern Schuldigern vergeben.
Und führe uns nicht in Versuchung,
sondern erlöse uns von dem Übel.
[Denn dein ist das Reich und die Kraft und die Herrlichkeit in Ewigkeit.
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Our Fathers Dutch

Onze Vader in de hemel,
laat uw naam geheiligd worden,
laat uw koninkrijk komen
en uw wil gedaan worden
op aarde zoals in de hemel.
Geef ons vandaag het brood
dat wij nodig hebben.
Vergeef ons onze schulden,
zoals ook wij hebben vergeven
wie ons iets schuldig was.
En breng ons niet in beproeving,
maar red ons uit de greep van het kwaad.
[Want aan u behoort het koningschap,
de macht en de majesteit tot in eeuwigheid.
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Our Father of Java Language

Our Father of Java Language


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