Saturday, March 17, 2012
Rich And The Poor

The parable is addressed to the Pharisees who Jesus called "the servant - servant of the money"
They have to justify themselves in public, namely by stating that the property they have is evidence of the truth, because God gave them wealth to the righteous course, businesses are being attacked by Jesus. As with the laxarus, he was a professional beggar, Laxarus means "God helps" as its flagship, the smell of his body full of ulcers, he lay at the door of the rich, because of the inability borokny willingly by the dogs lick their rich masters. As the their rich meal with quiet and clean.
Laxarus fight with hunger and thirst, and if you get the food the food is not clean anymore, and many bacteria. Eventually, both dead

"You can not serve God Mammon at the same time" (Luke 16:13)
"Blessed are ye that hunger now, for you will be healed" (Luke 6:21)

natural Death

Rich And Poor

In this parable tells the story between poor and rich Si with a title that I post reflection. Most important in this is not the difference between the rich and the poor, but the outer circumstances experienced in this world, wealth, position, popularity, because they both have had their wealth in the world, the rich have wealth it creates a pseudo-gap that is not passed both..
Title: ; Written by Unknown; Rating: 5 dari 5

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